Jamie Klingler Fought the Law and Won
The Guilty Feminist presented by Deborah Frances-White, talking to Jamie Klingler
The Guilty Feminist theme by Mark Hodge and produced by Nick Sheldon.
More about Deborah Frances-White
- https://deborahfrances-white.com
- https://twitter.com/DeborahFW
- https://www.virago.co.uk/the-guilty-feminist-book
More about our guest
- https://twitter.com/jamieklingler
- https://reclaimthesestreets.com
- https://rosauk.org
- https://bathforum.ticketline.co.uk/order/gateway/13360640
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- Media Storm https://podfollow.com/media-storm
- Absolute Power https://podfollow.com/john-bercows-absolute-power
Come to a live recording
- Vicar Street in Dublin, 14 March. https://www.vicarstreet.com/component/thelist/show/1641-the-guilty-feminist-live-in-vicar-street-58-59-thomas-street-Dublin-8-on-14-Mar-2022.html
- Millie Bobby Brown: 21 March at Kings Place https://www.kingsplace.co.uk/whats-on/comedy/the-guilty-feminist-mon-21-mar/
- Hannah Gadsby: 22 March at Kings Place https://www.kingsplace.co.uk/whats-on/comedy/the-guilty-feminist-22-mar/
- Camp as Springtime https://unionchapel.org.uk/venue/whats-on/the-guilty-feminist-presents
- The Guilty Feminist stands up, 26 April – 7 May https://sohotheatre.com/shows/deborah-frances-white-the-guilty-feminist-stands-up-2/
- UK Tour booking now. https://guiltyfeminist.com/2022-live-uk-tour/
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