363. M(other) Land with Alison Spittle and special guest Priya Joi
The Guilty Feminist episode 363: M(other) Land
Presented by Deborah Frances-White and Alison Spittle with special guest Priya Joi
Recorded 5 June at Kings Place in London. Released 19 June 2023.
The Guilty Feminist theme by Mark Hodge and produced by Nick Sheldon.
More about Deborah Frances-White
- https://deborahfrances-white.com
- https://twitter.com/DeborahFW
- https://www.virago.co.uk/the-guilty-feminist-book
More about Alison Spittle
More about Priya Joi
- https://twitter.com/priya4876
- https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/451133/motherland-by-joi-priya/9780241574317
Big Speeches with Jessica Regan
- First Sunday of each month from 2 July. 3:00pm via Zoom. https://guiltyfeminist.com/big-speeches/
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Come to a live recording:
- Guilty Feminist at Kings Place 22 June, 24 July: https://www.kingsplace.co.uk/?s=guilty+feminist
- Margate 9 July: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-guilty-feminist-x-power-of-women-thanet-tickets-647435826987
- Guilty Feminist at Soho Theatre 11, 12 August https://sohotheatre.com/events/the-guilty-feminist-6/
- Guilty Feminist Live in Chichester, Monday 21 August: https://www.cft.org.uk/events/the-guilty-feministlive
- “Never Have I Ever” written by Deborah, Chichester Festival Theatre, 1-30 September: https://www.cft.org.uk/events/never-have-i-ever
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