Deborah Frances-White Professional Skills Boosters
In this new series of webinars, Deborah Frances-White will share her tips, tricks, stories and insights, in her uniquely hilarious style. Invaluable advice for anyone in any kind of business.
Each session will last 45 minutes, plus 15 minutes Q&A.
Webinar #1: Include Yourself & Include Others
Wednesday 17 February. 8:30pm UK time. Book now.
We are most ourselves where we feel included, with our best friends or family. We are most included where we feel we are with our “tribe”. It is easy to feel excluded or included only tentatively when we are in the minority. This means that if you’re in the minority because of gender, race, sexuality, gender expression, gender identity or disability in the business world it can be easier to stay on the fringes of the action although your instinct, talent, experience and ideas are telling you to get into the middle of the fray.
We are told we need to “lean in” but how and when can it be done with flair and charisma? Once you’ve included yourself, how can you include others? And how do these two things go hand in hand?
Webinar #2: Principles of Change
Wednesday 24 February. 8:30pm UK time. Book now.
Many people expend a lot of energy trying to make sure that tomorrow is quite like yesterday. When all of our days are similar, predictable, routine, then we feel comfortable, secure and in control. When sudden change happens and our tomorrows become chaotic and unpredictable, it’s easy to become insecure, anxious or even panicky.
Deborah’s background in comedy and improvisation gives her a unique take on how to deal with an unknowable future – something which 2020 has given us all a lot of brutal practice in dealing with. With her help, you’ll be able to go from fearing change to embracing it and all the possibilities it might bring.
Webinar #3: Certainty in Uncertain Times
Wednesday 3 March. 8:30pm UK time. Book now.
As we get better at dealing with change, as 2020 has trained us all to do, we need to communicate that certainty to other people. If you’re in a leadership role – or you want to be – it’s not enough to privately coping, you need to be actively encouraging other people to be at their best too.
In this final webinar, Deborah will share her techniques for selling a story, generating real presence and impact – even over Zoom – and doing it all without apologising. You can become the one who says “Let’s go, who’s with me?”
Webinar Triple Pack
17, 24 February and 3 March at 8:30pm. Book now.
Get access to all three webinars for a reduced price.